Dog Nutrition what to feed my dog
March 21, 2016
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Dog on dog Reactive Dog walking Service

Do you have a reactive dog towards other dogs and your out at work in the day and worry about having your dog walked out in real life situations by a dog walker?


I will collect your dog and drive them to my private property, walk them, play with them and give them enrichment while you are at work.




Dogs s can become trigger stacked when they have to many stressful encounters in a short space of time and then become over threshold and react, other dogs can be very reactive and react at the first sight of dogs. Its very good to allow dogs to have rest days as with us when we are in a state of stress for long periods of time it courses many issues, upset stomachs, anxiety, and behaviour changes which then become habits when repeated.


Dogs suffer from fight or flight when they are scared and put in a situation where they feel like they have to protect them selves or they learn an alternative behaviour to get the scary dog to move away which creates more distance and makes the dog feel happier in return this reinforces the behaviour they are displaying ( Barking, growling and lunging)



1 X one off consultation fee £15 + Petrol depending on area (no petrol charge for Stone staffs)

I will need to come to your house for a consultation to meet your dog and yourself and discuss any concerns you may have before we progress with the sessions this is a one off fee


1 X one hour a week

£30 + petrol depending on area (no petrol charge for Stone staffs)


3 X one hour sessions a week

£25 per hour +petrol, price depending on area (no petrol charge for Stone Staffs)


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