Dog & Puppy Training Classes
Dog training is the process of teaching a dog to exhibit certain desired behaviours in specific circumstances. Some examples are:
* Teaching a dog basic obedience commands (part of obedience training)
* Teaching a dog to perform tricks casually or for circus acts
* Teaching a guide dog to lead the blind
* Teaching a rescue dog to find victims of a disaster
* Helping a hunting dog learn to perform its instinctive behaviors at appropriate timesThe specific behaviors taught in each case are different, but the underlying principles are similar.
The basics to any dog training is ABC
A = Antecedent. Which is a cue, a dogs lead
B = Behaviour. Which could be going crazy
C = Consequence. Which could be going out for a walk
Any behaviour the dog does that is not liked but happens a lot has been reinforced as above, the dog went crazy when it saw the lead but it was reinforced by going for a walk where as if the behaviour was ignored and lead put away until the dog had calmed down and then repeated the dog would soon learn to be calm around the lead.
Basic training
Most dogs, no matter their eventual advanced training or intended purpose, live with people and therefore must behave in a way that makes them pleasant to have around and for their own safety and that of other people and pets. Dogs do not figure out basic obedience on their own; it must be trained.
Basic training classes
Professional dog trainers usually do not train the dogs, but actually train the owners how to train their own dogs. Although it is also possible to send a dog away to a training school, the owner still must at some point learn what the dog has learned and how to use it and reinforce it. Owners and dogs who attend class together have an opportunity to learn more about each other and how to work together under a trainer’s guidance. Training is most effective if everyone who handles the dog takes part in the training to ensure consistent cues, methods, and Reinforcments.
Formal training in classes is not always available until the puppy has completed all its vaccinations at around 4 months; however, puppy can attend socialisation classes in which puppies can enroll immediately after being placed in their permanent homes as long as disease risk is minimal and puppies have received initial vaccinations. In most cases, basic training classes accept only puppies who are at least 2 to 6 months old.